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Feature Spotlight: Cases—Dashboards Your Way

Customizing dashboards to suit your operation can make all the difference. No more sorting and filtering through piles of information—get the data points you need, with just a quick glance! Cases’ completely customizable investigations and incident-management platform makes it easy. Think of a dashboard as a collection of views and insights—it can include things like the status of  open/closed records, performance metrics, daily reports, workflow status, etc. Simply drag-and-drop the ‘tiles' you want onto the dashboard to display the information that's most important to you or your team. Cases also makes it simple to have multiple dashboards with access assigned based on permission levels. For example, creating a default dashboard for an investigator, and an entirely different default dashboard for managers. Administrators have the ability to show default dashboards for both investigators and operators on their main dashboard, as well as many other data points. The options are endless. Ready to Get Started?  Like all SureView products, Cases is delivered as a SaaS (Software as a Service), allowing security leaders to level-up their efforts without the need to completely overhaul their operation. Offered on a free-30-day-trial, our solution can be operational within a week. Learn more at or schedule a demo here. Related Blogs

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