We are excited to announce our newest integration partner, The SMS Works, a service that allows you to automatically turn incoming SMS/text messages into SureView alarms. When combined with GPS data, this can be used not only to notify your Operators of an incident, but to pinpoint the exact coordinates of the alarm. This integration is perfect for use with Lone Worker and Medical Tracker Tokens, and is a convenient way for team members and even the public to quickly report an incident directly to your command center.
How Does It Work?

Simply configure an alarm decoder for SMS email alarms and add it into SureView—this will allow you to match alarms based on the sender's phone number.

Then, you’ll copy the email address generated for this alarm point—this is what you will use in "the SMS Works". Next, in the Individual Alarm Setup, you will configure the alarm points based on the SMS alerts received from the sender’s phone number.

Once you’ve finished configuring SureView with The SMS Works, you'll start receiving alarms for any SMS sent to the SMS Works phone number. If GPS coordinates are included in the SMS alarm (latitude, longitude), this will automatically be plotted onto the SureView map.

Utilizing our standards-based plugin capability, this integration is available to all SureView Operations subscribers. Users now have another new way to receive alarms into the queue and speed up response time!