We know that not all security incidents can be captured with physical alarms such as Door Points or Camera Analytics.
In real life, events can happen outside of your automated alarm triggers. A suspicious person, an accidental slip & fall, or an altercation could be reported to your operations center via a radio, phone call or spotted in real-time on your SureView Ops Views screen. When this happens you still need to capture and respond to the incident just as quickly as if it was an automated alarm.
SureView allows your team to manually raise alarms with the press of a key. This adds the alarm to SureView in an instant and includes all the details that your team needs to know. The alarm will be plotted onto a map, associated with a customizable Event Type, given a Priority, and fully interactive Action Plans. It will automatically bring you to the cameras nearest the event, giving you full situational awareness.
By making use of Manual Raise you will also be ensuring that your stakeholders have a complete picture of your security trends, a combined view of your automated physical security detectors, and the real-life “manual” incidents that may have otherwise have gone undetected.